Upcoming Worship Services
First Unitarian Society of Ithaca services are held in person Sundays at 10:30 am. We are located at the corner of Aurora St. and Buffalo St (306 N. Aurora Street). The church does not have a parking lot, but there is free parking on the nearby city streets on Sundays and the Town of Ithaca allows us to use their lot on Sundays (on Buffalo Street, directly across from the church).
Join us after service at Coffee Hour in the church parlor for a time of connection.
Sunday Services are also Live Streamed from the sanctuary on our YouTube Channel. If you are unable to attend in person, we would love for you to join us virtually! Just click on the link above each Sunday at 10:30 am (or you can watch it later at your convenience).
Our services feature inspiring words, music, and stories exploring themes in a multigenerational context. We are excited to welcome you! Information about upcoming services is listed below. View Past Services.
Sunday, March 2, “Trust and Truthfulness”
Rev. Peaches Gillette
Trust and truthfulness are the foundation of all meaningful relationships. Together, they enrich the soil that nourishes our growth and aids in our development as moral people.
Special music by FUSIT Choir
Sunday, March 9, “The Substance of Trusting…Truly Trusting Self and Others”
Rev. Janet Shortall
The Substance of Trusting is about both the inner and outer dimensions of trust—trust in ourselves to navigate challenging times, and trust in others to create a shared sense of responsibility and community. It’s not about having all the answers, but rather about having faith in our ability to engage with the world and each other in meaningful, compassionate ways.
Special music by Lydia Knecht, viola
Sunday, March 16, “Trust in Love”
Emily Richards, CRE
In this joyful and interactive all-ages worship we will explore what it means to trust one another and to spread love and acceptance in the world.
Special music by Stephanie Ortolano
Sunday, March 23, “Trusting Others and Trusting Ourselves”
Rev. Peaches Gillette
Often we rely on our trust of others to give us confidence, but when we learn to trust ourselves, our sense of assurance is strengthened.
Special music by Roberta Crawford, viola
Sunday, March 30, “Faith Within Brokenness”
Emily Richards, CRE
How do we find a way to trust when everything seems broken? How do we reconcile our belief in love and goodness with the current reality of the world around us? And, in the midst of all of the anxiety we are feeling, how do we reach out to one another in kindness and compassion, and trust that we will hold each other gently?
Special music by FUSIT Choir